Monday, July 14, 2008


In my opinion, if you are going to have angel food cake, it cannot be store bought. I am not in any way saying that it has to be made from scratch - although if anyone has a recipe that is from scratch I would love to try it - but the store bought stuff just does not compare to what you get with a little help from Betty Crocker. The only problem I have encountered is that while baking you get a bit of overflow from your pan onto the bottom of your oven. Then it starts to burn, stink up your house, and create a lovely mess that no one has extra time to clean up. That is until now. This time when I was reading directions I noticed some really tiny print that gave some added directions for high altitude baking. I tried it, and guess what? No more overflow! Although the cake was not quite as fluffy either, so if I am honest, I may continue to ignore the tiny print and add to the burnt on mess that is waiting for me on the bottom of my oven.


Heidi P said...

That looks yummy! My grandma taught me to always follow the high altitude directions...I usually do. You must cook yummy things, you are always getting new recipes to try. Way to go!

I hate cooking.

Meg said...

So what were the tips? I bet you already do this, but just in case it has saved me some time in the cleaning bit. I put tin foil on the bottom of the oven, you still get the stink but not as much mess.
**That angel food cake looks very yummy!***

Heather said...

I LOVE eating the top of the angel food cake. Best part. man.... now I want one.

erin said...

Your cake looks delicious. Strawberries and whipped cream? I will try to get the recipe from my friend, she makes the best, from scratch AFC.

Angie said...

I never new there were separate direction for high altitude. Who reads that fine print anyway?? Looks yummy!

erin said...

Leash, the recipe I was referring to is in The Joy of COoking. She made them into cupcakes, so you get lots of the delicious, chewy top. If you don't have that cook book I would be happy to copy it down, for you. :)

steph said...

Hey Leash! Love the picture of Gray on your blog. I have a question. Does your friend Heidi live in Lehi? I swear we had swimming lessons with her and her son when Parker was little. Let me know.

Jill said...


I'm so glad that you started blogging. It will nice to be able to check in and see how you and Gray are doing since we don't see you as often as I would like. We need to do a girls night!