Wednesday, July 2, 2008


There is something so magical about a child, a swing, and a hot summer day...


Meg said...

Gray looks so big, his face is totally thinning out. I wish I was a kid on a swing on a summer day.

Give Gray bug a hug for me. Love you.

Danielle said...

cute boy...we should head to liberty park one day. I went there today and it was great to play in the water and they have an awesome playground and it is right by Erins. Maybe next week.

Heidi P said...

That is funny, I think that same thing whenever I get on a swing and swing really high. Its so freeing and fun! :) What a cutie.

aimee said...

i am so proud of you!!! thank you for starting the blog, it makes me feel not so far away. gray is adorable as ever and your garden is beautiful, i'm jealous. hope all is going well and i'll talk to you soon. miss you already.

Chris and Amanda Beckstead said...

Amanda and I said the same thing that Meg did. Gray is getting to be huge!! We feel bad because we never see our favorite nephew and the last time we did see him he didn't recognize us. :( Talk about a sad day. But we love you and hope that everything is going well.

Jamie said...

Alecia I came to your blog from Erins. Grayson is so darling. I would love to get our kids together and catch up.

erin said...

Does Gray ever look scroungy?! What a handsome boy.