Sunday, June 29, 2008

Second Try

So, if any of you take the time to notice the publish date on a post you will already know that this site has been 'up and running' for eleven months... exactly. As I mentioned in my initial post; the first attempt I made at a blog was done completely on my own whim, of which clearly did not last very long. However, this attempt comes from a bit of encouragement from a close friend that just moved away, hopefully producing a different result. This is for you Aimee.


Heidi P said...

Hey Alecia! I almost said Leech :) Weird..I am glad you are going to be posting more! Your little man is so cute- you need to.
Look forward to more posts!

erin said...

hooray for Alecia on the WWW! (meaning world wide wrestling circuit). That picture of Gray is the best toddler shot ever. He wins for cutest, too. Bring on more cute Gray pics, and of you too! ;)

Angie said...

Welcome back to the blogging world. You have the cutest little guy ever!! It is always fun to see what everyone is up to. Looking forward to reading about you and your cute son.

Heather said...

Yeay! So glad you've joined us.

Chris and Amanda Beckstead said...

We are super excited to be kept up to date on Grayson and his adventures. We only get small tid bits normally and look forward to hearing more about our awesome nephew and yourself!

Taylor said...

We just noticed this link off of Chris and Amanda's blog. No pressure, but we will be checking this site daily for updates. We love you guys.

We think that a visit to Denver would make great blog material. :)

Tay and Meg